You Lose Parts of Yourself in the Quest for Male Approval
I never feel more alive, more empowered, than when I realize I’ve gone a whole day without wondering that men think about me. When I realize I dressed myself how I want. When I realize my hair was big and frizzy all day and I loved it. When I realize I took a walk without looking over my shoulder. When I realize I didn’t talk in a quiet voice, less passionate voice, when talking about the things I care about in front of a man. When I realize I didn’t let myself get interrupted. When I spoke the fuck up today. When I realize I didn’t go over every word in my head before saying them to a man to make sure they’d be interested in hearing what I have to say. The craziest part is, when I realize these things, it makes me feel less intimidated by other womxn. When I realize I don't give a fuck what men think of me, it makes me feel closer to the womxn in my life, and it makes me feel in solidarity with the random womxn I encounter in a day, even if they're taller and hotter than me, or dressed nicer.